Team runs will be held Mondays and Wednesdays from 5:30-6:30pm at Forney Park.
Holidays may be observed, especially if youth are out of school on those days. Click here to see the calendar.
Weather Cancellations
I personally love running in a light rain, but lightning and other weather can become dangerous. In the event of a cancellation:
Parents will be notified via website and the Forney Flyer Groupme. Check back on the main page for practice updates
Should weather become unexpectedly severe during our weekly runs, you'll find us huddled at the Concession stand that looks like a barn by the soccer fields.
bathroom breaks
Youth will be asked to take a teammate to the bathroom located by the playground as a safety precaution.
The Club Seasonal fee for Fall 2022 is $125. Preferred payment is through the registration form.
Tuition includes all the practices youth can attend and 3 races per season. It also includes a team t-shirt and Milestone awards
Sick Days
This past few years has taught everyone about the importance of good hygiene and not sharing sickness. If your child is sick or feeling ill, please notify me in advance and make the decision to stay home. Resting and listening to your body is crucial to the development of a runner.
Race days
There are 3 scheduled races throughout the season - the dates of the races are subject to change.
Some races will be open to family and friends participating for a small fee, please check here for race schedule.
No youth will be allowed to run without a signed waiver from a parent.
Download and print waiver below.